Form from: Broomwood Primary School

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Reminder that the school day starts at 8.45am, not 9am.

If the school gate is closed children need to be brought to the office and signed in.

Thank you for you support and cooperation.


W/C Monday 18th - Last week of Boxing, Yoga and Musical Theatre clubs

Monday 18th - Y4EC The Grosvenor Museum, Chester

Tuesday 19th - Y5 Macclesfield Forest Trip

Tuesday 19th - Y1/Y2 Blackpool Zoo

Thursday 21st  - Easter Egg Hunt

Thursday 21st - Over 60's Afternoon Tea at 1.30pm - 3pm

Thursday 21st - Year 1 Ukulele concert 2pm

Thursday 21st  - EYFS - Animal take over

Friday 22nd - Easter Egg Competition

Friday 22nd - Break up for holidays


Monday 8th - Return to school

Please note ALL events are subject to change

School term dates: 

Term dates for 2023 - 2024

Term dates for 2024 - 2025 

Keep up to date on what's going on in school via our school website

Year 1 - Ukulele concert 2pm Thursday 21st March


Monday 18th March - Y4EC The Grosvenor Museum, Chester

Tuesday 19th March - Y5 Macclesfield Forest Trip

Tuesday 19th March - Y1/Y2 Blackpool Zoo

EYFS - Animal Take Over

As we are learning about animals and it is close to Easter, we have arranged for Animals take over to come into school on Thursday 21st March 2024 for the whole of the EYFS.

This is a great learning experience for our little ones as they get to handle the different animals and learn more about what they like to eat, where they might sleep and what they feel like!

We are asking for a donation of £2 to be paid via parent pay to support this learning experience for the children.

 Over 60'S Afternoon tea at Broomwood Primary School March 21st

Screenshot 2024-02-23 121928.png

Easter Raffle: Staff in the school have donated some gorgeous things to create some Easter Hampers If you would like to take part in the raffle, we would ask that you pay on parent pay by Monday 18th March 2024. It is £1 a ticket. The raffle with be drawn on Wednesday 20th March 2024. All money raised goes to FOB's (Friends of Broomwood) and is used for the children.

Class photos - please return proof and payment by Wednesday 20th March if you require your child's class photo.

Stars of the Week

Our Amazing Stars of the week for W/C 11th March are:

Pre-School:             Ryan

Nursery:                  Leo

Reception EH:       Nelly-Mae / Thomas

Reception HBL:     Noah

Year 1 JW:              Herbie

Year 1 BS:             Bella

Year 2 BC:            Archie and Emmie

Year 2 DR:           Michael

Year 3 FR:           Daisy

Year 3 SW:         Jaxon D

Year 4 EC:          Alisha

Year 4 SM:        Lucas

Year 5 JR:          Agastya

Year 5 PM:       Aamina

Year 6 LW:       

Year 6 JC:        Faith

Year 6 OR:     Jessica

Attendance for W/C 11th March

Well done to Y3SW for getting the highest attendance this week and winning the Be There Bear.

Reception EH -     97.1%

Reception HBL -   87.6%

Year 1 JW -           96.2%

Year 1 BS -           98.3%

Year 2 DR -         89.6%

Year 2 BC -          91.5%

Year 3 SW -        99.2%

Year 3 FR -         95.2%

Year 4 SM -       94.4%

Year 4 EC -       98.9%

Year 5 PM -      90.4%

Year 5 JR -       95.6%

Year 6 JC -        96.3%

Year 6 LW -    98.6%

Year 6 OR -     97.1%

Overall School:  95.2%

Class Be There Bear League

The class that has the highest attendance each week, wins the Attendance bear. The class that has won the attendance bear the most at the end of the year will receive a special treat.

We will be having our Easter bonnet/craft competition in school again.

Easter bonnet/ craft competition- Friday 22nd March

All children are invited to decorate an egg/ bonnet or anything Easter! They can leave them in the hall on the way into school on the morning, and collect them at the end of the day.

There will be a winner and runner up per class, a small prize for entering and a prize per key stage.

So start getting creative.

The children will also be having an Easter Egg Hunt around the school grounds on Thursday 21st March

Who will receive one of our Broomwood Primary School Postcards this week.

Keep an eye out for the post, it could be you this week!